
Brain Training for Autism

Mother building a puzzle with autistic daughter
We understand that the brains of people with autism develop differently and often encounter a distinct level of neuron activity—sometimes with too many or too few connections in different areas of the brain. Neurofeedback offers a simple, non-invasive way to identify and correct these irregularities for those with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.

Midwest Holistic Health & Spinal Care Center offers neurofeedback treatments for patients of all ages to treat common symptoms of autism—reducing the negative effects by correcting imbalances in the brain.
Schedule a FREE Neurofeedback
Evaluation Today

Neurofeedback Can Help

Neurofeedback identifies and corrects brain wave irregularities by introducing gentle, consistent corrections to affected brain waves during each session. These corrections lead to improved brain function and a reduction or elimination of negative symptoms of autism in children, teens and adults of all ages.

Brain training through neurofeedback has been shown to help autistic patients:

Neurofeedback is a highly effective method of treating common neurological issues and improving the brain’s ability to function more efficiently. Our expertly trained staff guides each patient through the neurofeedback treatment process.

How Does Neurofeedback Treat Autism?

Using non-invasive audio and visual feedback, neurofeedback is a reward-based training system for the brain. Think of training your brain like training a puppy with positive reinforcement. When the puppy behaves well, and does what is expected, it gets a treat. But when the puppy behaves poorly, it gets a gentle correction. The correction isn’t harsh or punishing but sends a message to the puppy that the behavior is unwanted.

During a neurofeedback session, a patient’s brain waves are consistently being rewarded for behaving in a healthy manner or gently corrected for irregularities. The corrections are often so gentle the patient doesn’t even recognize it—but the brain does. When we treat patients for autism, we measure and analyze brain waves and customize a neurofeedback treatment plan to address the specific issues we identify. After multiple sessions, the brain is more capable of regulating itself and balancing brain waves. These small adjustments lead to big improvements over time in terms of negative or unwanted symptoms associated with autism and other neurological conditions.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Not all Autistic patients respond the same to neurofeedback training. However, many, such as this patient, experience significant improvements:
"I am a parent of a child with Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism Spectrum. I have been very pleased with the results my son has experienced working with Dr. Childress at Midwest Holistic Health. There has been great improvement of my son’s mental functions and memory.

"He is a young adult, and he looks forward to his sessions with his doctor. The effects of the treatments have improved his performances doing regular tasks that he had great difficulty with prior to treatment. We expect these effects to be long lasting and would highly recommend this center for any parent or person who would benefit from having a more relaxed and positive influence in their lives.

"The staff is very friendly and eager to work with their patients, and I am grateful for all the help that they have given my son. We look forward to continuing his treatment as we work towards him having a more successful life."
-A. Anderson

Schedule a FREE Neurofeedback Evaluation

Discover the difference neurofeedback can make in reducing or eliminating common symptoms of autism with a complimentary evaluation at Midwest Holistic Health & Spinal Care Center.
Schedule a FREE Neurofeedback Evaluation Today

Contact Us

8024 W. 151st St.
Overland Park, KS 66223
