
A Unique Approach to Brain Health

Our brains play an active role is nearly every function of our bodies. From logic and critical thinking to imagination and talent; from digestion and sleep quality to heart rate and recovery—the brain is there, making sure everything runs smoothly.

When our brain isn't working properly, it can affect us in negative ways. An improperly balanced brain can lead to neurological problems, such as:

ADHD, ADD & Learning Issues | Addiction & Abuse | Anxiety & Stress | Brain Injury & Concussion | Chronic Pain & Fatigue | Depression | Epilepsy & Seizures | Insomnia & Sleep Issues | Memory Loss | Migraines | PTSD | Sciatica | Stroke & More

Neurofeedback simply corrects irregular brain waves that lead to imbalances and teaches your brain to better regulate itself.
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Why Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a scientifically proven system which fine-tunes the brain to eliminate triggers that often cause issues related to common neurological issues. Best of all, Neurofeedback is drug-free, non-invasive and totally safe for patients of all ages.

Think of your brain as a musical quartet: When all musicians are in sync, the sound is harmonious. But if one musician is out of tune, the overall sound is affected. Brainwaves operate in much the same way, working together to keep your mind and body in sync and running smoothly. But if any brainwaves are off, it can impact your entire system negatively. Many common conditions like anxiety, depression and others can occur when brainwaves are running too fast or too slow. Neurofeedback teaches the brain to regulate its brain waves properly, which can result in better overall health.

Learn more about how Neurofeedback can help address the following conditions:

How Neurofeedback Works

Neurofeedback does not directly target conditions and symptoms—it corrects irregular brain waves and modifies timing patterns in the brain. This correction is achieved over multiple Neurofeedback sessions as the brain is re-trained into normal patterns. The result is an improvement in brain regulation, which can impact a variety of symptoms.

Neurofeedback works primarily by monitoring brainwaves on the surface of your head. To start, small electrodes are placed on your scalp. These electrodes have a paste on them which makes it easier to pick up brainwave patterns. For the next 30 minutes, you get to watch a movie of your choice, listen to your music or listen to an audio book.

During a normal session, the computer is monitoring your brainwaves, looking for any that are out of the normal range. When it finds one, the system triggers a response that changes the movie or music. This change is not annoying, but it is subtle enough to get your attention and make you focus more. Refocusing corrects the irregular brainwaves, which then move into the normal range. At that time the movie or music will resume normally. This process is called Operant Conditioning. Over the course of multiple sessions, the brain eventually learns to make healthy patterns on its own. At that time, no further Neurofeedback sessions are needed.

Brain Mapping

A brain map is a non-invasive tool we use to identify the problem areas of the brain. A brain map involves scanning the brain waves on the surface of the scalp using a nylon cap. This method is known as a Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) and provides the most accurate recording of your normal brain function. The system then compares your brain wave activity to a database of established standards of normal brain function to determine if problems are present. It does not identify specific conditions, rather it shows a map of problem areas in the brain that we can use to expertly determine likely neurological conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens During a Neurofeedback Session?
Neurofeedback sessions involve relaxing for 30 minutes while you watch a movie or listen to music of your choice. Electrodes are attached to your scalp that monitor your brainwaves during the session. When irregular patterns are detected, a response is triggered from the software that pauses or dims the video or music. Your brain senses the change and subconsciously modifies itself back into a normal pattern. With repetition of this process, eventually your brain learns to stay within healthy ranges on its own without Neurofeedback.

How Long do Neurofeedback Sessions take?
Each session is 30 minutes.

How many Neurofeedback sessions are needed?
The number of sessions needed will depend on the individual. Much like going to the gym, every person requires a different length of time to improve. 20 – 40 sessions is normal for many conditions to improve.

How soon will I see results from Neurofeedback?
Again, results will vary from person to person. Some feel different within a couple of sessions, while tougher conditions will take many sessions to see any noticeable results. It's important to not get impatient and listen to the practitioner. They should be able to show you the graph results of each session, which will provide a visual reference of improvement.

How Long Will the Effects Of Neurofeedback Last?
Long-term follow-ups have been done on many patients over the years. Dr. Joel Lubar at the University of Tennessee has followed ADD clients who've sustained their improvements from Neurofeedback for 10–20 years. Published research on epilepsy 12 months after brain training shows the effects on epilepsy usually holds. Owners of the Clear Mind System have commonly reported no relapses from patients after 10 years.
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Contact Us

8024 W. 151st St.
Overland Park, KS 66223
